Wednesday, January 8, 2020
The Religion Of God And Muhammed - 960 Words
Many people in the world believe in something some people believe in god some believes god does not exist at all. Many different religions exist in world My religion is Muslim. I believe in god and Muhammed because that is what my religion teaches. However, I cannot really say that I am practicing my religion truly. My religion requires me to pray for five times a day and I have never done that. In fact, I do not even know how to do that. I am not proud of saying that but this is what I am. I am who I am because of my parent, because I have never saw them praying for five times a day for god and they did not teach me that. Just like me now, my parents say they are Muslims because we were born to be Muslims. I did not see my parents practicing the religion but I saw my grandparents on my mother’s side practicing religion. I think being Muslim requires the most work among all those religions because there are many things you have to do daily for the religion. For example, you ha ve to pray for five times a day and each takes about twenty minutes. The first one starts very early in the morning so you have to wake up very early even on the weekends. And before you start praying each time you have to clean yourself which is called wudu, ritual cleansing, and it takes some time too. Imagine doing that five times a day. Who has that much time? My grandparents have it and mostly you can see the older people practicing their religious more than younger Muslim population. I know myShow MoreRelatedDoes Islam Equate To Terrorism? Are Islamic Dominated Regions1402 Words  | 6 Pagesthought-provoking and rather exasperating questions are consciously and subconsciously asked by society. Though populated, the Islamic religion is somewhat foreign to most developed and western countries and has fewer people that identifies with the monotheistic group in these regions. 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